Established brand in high quality media

Welt der Wunder TV has operated for decades in the second largest TV market in the world, Germany. We broadcast, produce and market high-quality content. We benefit from an established network with all globally leading content providers, TV stations and other media platforms. This way we are positioned within the center of the professional media industry. The many years of experience in international license sales and the knowledge of the needs of content producers and customers are the fundamentals of our success.

With MILC we enter the next evolutionary step!

MILC Platform Features

MILC City Metaverse

Browser-based 3D-environment with endless possibilities, powered by Unreal Engine!

MILC Content Place

The first blockchain-based content marketplace with an intuitive 3D-UI for the professional media industry.

MILC Banking House

Your way to leverage the MILC community and crowdfund yopur movie project!

MILC Community Building

Enter the first live Metaverse Social Community App

Music, Gaming, Shopping and much more!

There will be buildings and areas for every thinkable purpose!

MILC Media Licensing Token (MLT)

Fuel of the MILC Metaverse

EARN 50% of revenues generated with ads within the Metaverse in MLT!


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MLT Smart Contracts


2017 – 2019
2020 – Q2 2021
Q2- Q4 2021
Q1 – Q2 2022
Q3 -Q4 2022
Q1 – Q2 2023
Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Q1 – Q2 2024
Q3 – Q4 2024

2017 – 2019

Ideation and Project Establishment

  • Whitepaper V1.0
  • Partnership with SwissTXT
  • Angel Investments
  • MILC Media Hub Development

2020 – Q2 2021

Media Hub MVP and Blockchain Strategy

  • Media Hub as program managing system at Welt der Wunder TV
  • MLT Token Strategy and Development
  • Whitepaper V2.1
  • MLT Token Launch

Q2- Q4 2021

MLT Metaverse Grand Opening

  • Three-Pillar-Strategy Implementation
  • Staking on 3rd Party Platforms
  • MILC Metaverse 1.0
  • MILC Content Marketplace 1.0
  • MLT listing on top 10 platforms

Q1 – Q2 2022

MILC Metaverse Evolution

  • Metaverse 2.0 Launch
  • Community Platform 1.0
  • Human Capital Expansion
  • Onboarding Media Partners
  • Onboarding Gaming Partners

Q3 -Q4 2022

MILC Metaverse Evolution

  • Whitepaper V2.2
  • Project Website Revamp
  • Onboarding Technical Advisory Board
  • Content Palace
  • Art Gallery
  • Exchange Building
  • Start of global MILC Metaverse Marketing Campaign

Q1 – Q2 2023

MILC Metaverse Evolution

  • MILC Community App 2.0
  • AI Cooperation with Hagen University
  • First Alpha Film Festival
  • Video- and Ad- Integrations
  • Foundation of E-Lab GmbH
  • Team Expansion
  • First 3rd Party Showcases

Q3 2023

MILC Metaverse Evolution

  • Ready Player Me Avatar Implementation
  • Metaverse Engine Upgrade
  • Native MLT Token Bridge
  • Native MLT LP-Staking Platform
  • Oldenburg Film Festival
  • AdShares Network Integration

Q4 2023

MILC Metaverse Flourishing

  • Metaverse Multiplayer 1.0
  • Metaverse & Community App Interface
  • Music Palace
  • First Metaverse Ad-Partner Onboarding
  • MILC Metaverse AI
  • MILC Shop Infrastructure

Q1 – Q2 2024

MILC Metaverse Flourishing

  • Metaverse TV-Station
  • Metaverse Podcasts
  • MLT Token Ramp
  • Metaverse Syndication
  • Music Partner Onboarding
  • University Partner Onboarding
  • First Gaming Partner Integrations
  • Tier 1 Exchange Listing
  • Content Licensing Marketplace Reopening

Q3 – Q4 2024

MILC Metaverse Maturity

  • Initiation of MILC Reward System
  • Multiplayer 2.0
  • VR control Interface
  • Suburban Area & Townhouses
  • Ongoing Infrastructure optimizations
  • Ongoing implementation of new functionalities




On-Chain Partner

off-Chain Partner​